Friday, February 6, 2009

iPod = Life's Soundtrack

So last night as I was watching Grey's Anatomy (shut up) I was lamenting, once again, that life doesn't have a score playing constantly in the background. I would love dearly to hear a victorian-esque piano every time I see the boy I like. How awesome would that be?

But as I was walking through the park today, iPod being put to use, a breeze came up. It pushed me from behind, making my hair and long sweater go forward. It blew leaves across the ground and around my ankles. It was a mostly clear day, with lots of medium sized, fast moving clouds, so I was mostly in sunlight.

I don't know if it was the song, or the weather, or the increased heart rate from walking too fast (I was running late for an appointment) but I felt like a total badass. My life had a soundtrack. Even if it was just for three minutes, they were three perfect minutes. I felt like I was on top of the world.

Later, on my return trip home, I had another little moment with my iPod. There's a strange part of the park, where all of these huge pecan trees are lined up in perfect rows and columns. There's this strange grid of giant trees. (Seriously, these suckers are 30+ feet tall.) But right now they're grey and leaf-less. As I was walking on the little path parallel to it, a cloud passed over the sun, making it overcast, just as my song switched to a minor key. Seriously. It was amazing.

And another breeze came up behind me, and ruffled my hair and my long black sweater. I laughed, and for just a few seconds, I ruled the world.